Celebrity endorsements can have a significant impact on increasing consumer awareness and purchase intentions for virtually every product category. The key ingredient for making this work is insuring that the celebrity spokesperson is perceived to be compatible with the brand and the product category, and that these important perceptions are based on the brand's target consumers (primary purchasers).
Our celebrity Q Scores database (unique history for over 25,000 celebrities) and custom designed Spokesperson Evaluation Studies are both suited to help our clients make the most informed decisions for choosing the "right" celebrity to represent their brands. In effect, the objective is to determine the best possible "compatible fit" between the personality attributes of the celebrity and the image attributes of the brand -- yielding high awareness and impact against the intended consumer target. The perceived relationship between the celebrity and the brand needs to be evaluated on the following dimensions:
- Sensible and appealing
- Believable
- Appropriate
- Motivating to the purchase decision
The perceived celebrity/brand relationship needs to be strong in all of these areas for the campaign to make a difference. Our Q Scores database and proprietary Spokesperson Evaluation Studies effectively steer our clients down this important decision-making path.
Check out this video http://shopping.yahoo.com/video/celebrity-endorsed-products-worth-035803754.html and, of course, pay close attention to my segments in this very interesting story about the value of celebrity endorsements.
Feel free to contact me for more details at henrys@qscores.com or call me at 516-365-7979. If I'm not available, ask for Fran Purcell or Steve Levitt.
Thanks for your time.